Saturday, March 12, 2005
Yep, it was that bad… I’ve just finished playing monopoly where I had gone bankrupt. Big time... Then again how could I not since each round I find myself landing on my bro’s hotel or my sis’s houses. Yep. Each time I just had to land at their lot. Just imagined landing on a hotel and houses at each round. Each time nothing less than 350, then again I was able to go about it for about four rounds so I guess it wasn’t that bad coz each turn was about a thousand and three times is about three thousand. Hehe… that’s just my lame excuse for losing so bad… Hmmm… Other than that, my day is normal. Went to the supermarket to buy the groceries and that’s about it. Oh well, it’s late and I need to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow would be a more eventful day. ‘till then, toodle-loo, bloggie boo.. hehe…

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