Monday, March 14, 2005
So I was playing scrabble with my sis today and as expected, I lost. Hehe… When have I ever win in a game of scrabble? Spelling with me has always been hard. Hehe… I still recall those time in primary school where I got my hand hit because I misspelled the words in the spelling quiz. Each time there was a spelling quiz I would go home with swollen hands because all my spelling were wrong and I was hit for every one of them. I dunno, I’m still bad at spelling but I only have trouble with hard words now… Of course it’s only in spelling that the words seems to fail me coz everyone who knows me knows that there is no shutting me up. I’m like a chatterbox that does not stop. I for once am never speechless. I love to be heard and I like listening as well, or at least listening to stuff I want to hear. Hehe…
Anyway, I’m chatting with my friend and she asked me when was the last time I went out with my friends and I realized that the last time I went out was with her and it was about a few months ago! But then again it’s not that big of a surprise since I dun like going out that much anyway. I guess I like staying at home and watch a good show. It is better than having all the fuss of getting dressed, going into the car and getting stuck in some jam in the hot weather and getting a headache from the bright sun and bla, bla, bla… But don’t get me wrong coz I enjoy being with friends and sometimes I don’t mind enduring all of the above when I have the time. It just seems that lately there doesn’t seem to have a convenient time to do that. Plus some of my friends are abroad and the ones that are here are busy when I’m free and vice versa… Well enough said for today… Hehe… I think I’m gonna bug my bro for my cup of java… It’s his turn today… So, see ya…

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