Tuesday, March 15, 2005
oUcHhhh..... tHat hUrts....
I happen to be one careless person and the one that always pays for it is my poor body. Yep, I bang into things all the time. Doors, walls, chairs, tables and many more. In fact there are times I get little cuts and bruises that I don’t even remember when I got it and how. In fact for the past two days my knee kept on hitting the table and it hurts… Hehe… which is what contributes to today’s title… I mean the first time was ok but the one after that, now that one hurts more since it’s hitting an already sore knee… hmmm…Come to think of it, I don’t think a day goes by without me hurting myself. I mean it doesn’t have to be major pain but it happens… Plus I have my head up in clouds almost always and this makes me miss seeing the stuff that’s on the floor or the chair and stuff like that. Hehe… So really, the person to blame for any pain is me…
Enough about that… Well I was watching this new show that replaces the show that ended last week… The show was about some sort of an experiment where they have this bunch of guys and break them into two groups. One group is given positive motivation and has this friendship spirit stuff going on while the other is given a military style of training. The goal in the end is to see which method of training is better… I mean the positive motivation group, which is called The Carrots are like all into playing stuff like drumming and other stuff like that while the other is forced to do push ups and are called names and such. The motivation that drives this group is that if you win you don’t get punishments. Now, to the point of me ranting on and on for the past few lines. Hehe… In my opinion is that you can’t compare the two methods. I mean in military style method you get a team that is probably stronger in physical terms and probably they’ll develop this personality that is base strongly on rules and discipline, in other words, black is black, no questions asked. Now you need these kinds of people to do the job where emotion will stand in the way of getting the job done… While the other method would probably yield people who speak their mind and maybe they’ll develop this relationship where their philosophy is, you jump, I jump… Now all that is nice and all but when it comes to things that need physical strength, now all that is pretty much useless… But then again, the second method builds up personality that is needed and is lacking in our society… I can go on with this forever so I think I better stop… So, in conclusion is that no method is right for everything. In choosing a method a question that should always be asked is, what kind of results do you desire…? With these words I end today’s blog… nite y’all…

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