Wednesday, March 16, 2005
wAteR frEaK!!!
Hey ya… Anyway, I’m sleepy right now so forgive me if I start talking rubbish… hehe… So today I went to my regular sauna and since today I went a little later then my usual time, I find myself not alone in it… Really, I happen to like being in sauna alone… Reason for this is really simple… I find being in a small hot room with someone in silence is really disturbing and makes me uncomfortable… I mean I keep on feeling as if I need to say something… Back to what happen today… So I went in and there was four other women in it and was chatting away. I assume they are regulars and knew each other… After about a few minutes the other three ladies went out… Then that was when the one woman that was left started her obsession with water… hehe… Let’s just call her the “water freak” I mean the sauna was not that hot, for me it was nice but she said it was not hot and poured half a pail of water onto the rocks and that raised the temperature a lot… I mean I find myself hard to breathe because of the increase of temperature so abruptly… But all in all it was still okay if I just covered my nose until the temperature drops a little… However, water freak was having none of that… After complaining that it was still not hot she poured the rest of the water in the pail!!! I mean that woman must have had her senses gone bonkers… But no, as if that wasn’t enough she went out to get another one and poured the rest of the second pail in!!! But luck was on my side today because the sauna had apparently gone off automatically and so the water did not do that much damaged. So after awhile she said it was no use since it wasn’t that hot and for the rest of us to enjoy ourselves… So the other women that went out earlier came back in and asked the sauna to be turned back on… As I heard the water that was poured by water freak earlier starting to hiss I said I have had enough… So I excused myself and went out… Thanks to that water freak lady, I didn’t enjoy my sauna experience today and because of the rapid increase in temperature I think, I felt a little faint after…I never had that before… So the lesson I learned today is never go sauna with the water freak… hehe… For making such an impact on my day today, I dedicate today’s blog to water freak… A person who probably think that sauna should be equally hot as hell… hehe…

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