Friday, February 24, 2006
sTilL AliVE...
Wow! 2 months without a word… hehe… Well considering that since when I last wrote I was sick that would be a lame excuse, true. I mean 2 months of being sick? Please, with a capital “P”… hehe… However, I must admit after getting well I was so busy that I rarely even came online. Then, yes it happens again, twice again actually, hehe… I got sick twice more. I don’t know what seems to be the problem but I usually just get sick like once a year but nowadays it seems I get sick every once a month. Considering that when I get sick I usually get really bad for a week that’s not really a nice thing. On top of that there’s those back dated work I have miss during my sick time and my niece getting more active each day, well it seems to take a toll on my “me time”. Not complaining though. Life is fun, even when it’s at its lowest. Oh well, enough about that.Updates…
My best friend got married!!! That’s a big deal!!! Pity that I don’t really keep in touch with her… Then again she’s still abroad so I don’t feel that bad. Plus, she’s equally busy with life.
When I was younger I always imagined that people who work are the only people who understand the word “busy” How wrong was I. There are a lot more things that take up your time than working. Mainly, life. Hehe… I think everybody understand that word. Oh well, love to write more but, guess what, “life” is calling me… hehe…
link | Tanteeee posted at 7:56 PM |

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