Sunday, November 20, 2005
When is it all right for you to raise your voice to your parents? In my personal opinion, never. Sadly, I think it's been happening more and more now than ever. So I find myself wondering why it is so? I don't think that parents have changed to become demons with time... hehe... So here's my two cents. In my opinion, people are just less tolerant now. I mean people get stress more easily. For example, in olden days, we are thought to never speak out and to always obey with no questions asked. Works well then since people have little knowledge and doesn't mind following whoever they think is more knowledgable. Naturally, those who are older are thought to be wiser since they have acquired more knowledge in their life than those who are younger. Now? Well now, knowledge is usually measured by what education you have. So you can say that parents usually have lower education and looked down upon. However, I don't think that this is the main reason as well. The one I think is the biggest culprit would be knowledge. Now people know that they have rights and they more or less think they know how they deserve to be treated. So, they become less tolerant. When they think that they are being treated unequally, they fight back. They raise their voice and thus forgeting that the person they are talking to is the one that have raised them and the reason why they are on this earth in the first place. But I'm no idiot, there are cases when they parents are in fault. However, is it not better to simply be patient and if you really couldn't tolerate it, then just excuse yourlself from the situation. I for once am glad by the fact that I have yet to face such a situation. Plus, I pray to God that I never would ever face such a situation. So time to wrap up... The conclusion? Never is the right time. Then again, I'm none the wiser... hehehe.... :p
link | Tanteeee posted at 2:49 AM |

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