Tuesday, September 13, 2005
The other day I was watching this movie that I find I just have to comment on it. Reason? Well, I was so looking forward to watching it when I saw the trailer. It held so many promises of a good sword fighting action movie. Being a big fan of those flying swordsman, I just wanted to see it.*long sigh*
So the name of the movie was Seven Sword. Yep, that’s the one. The storyline of this movie is… wait a minute, there is no storyline… hehehe… Or at least the storyline was almost nonexistent. I mean it’s almost as if it just a fighting movie and yet there wasn’t much fighting… A love story? Nope, not those either since there wasn’t much love anywhere… In fact, there wasn’t much of anything. I find myself asking “What the hell was the story about?” at the end of it. Okay, I’m being totally mean to this movie. But what good thing can I say about it? Hmmmm… Well, I guess it wasn’t the worse story I have ever seen. I mean other than it being about nothing it did fill my time and it didn’t feel like I wasted my time. Hehehe… In fact, I’m quite awed by the fact that I’m not cursing the movie for its lack of everything… Okay, I laughed about it a lot, but I did not curse or anything of the like. That’s something.
In other news, there is no other news. Hehehe… Guess that all I can fill in for now. Hugs n Kisses, me little bloggie boo…
link | Tanteeee posted at 5:48 AM |

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