Friday, June 17, 2005
100 tHinGs...
Well bloggy boo, since I haven’t been writing much to you lately, I wish this will make it up… So here goes, a 100 things about me…1. My name is Raja Tanti Shazlin Raja Ehsan Shah
2. I am the youngest in the family with a brother and a sister
3. I’m still single and living with my folks
4. I’m a chatterbox who can’t stop talking
5. I love TV
6. I love reading novels
7. I hate buying clothes because I can never decide what to get and the same goes with shoes
8. I love eating
9. I love movies and songs
10. I like languages and try to learn new languages when I can
11. I love all colors but I don’t really like pink but my favorite color is green
12. I love making friends but I have to confess it’s hard for me to keep in contact with my friends
13. I hate having to decide on what to wear
14. I’m 5’2” and wish I was taller
15. I have brown eyes
16. I wear glasses
17. I have a mane for a hair… hehe… I really have bad hair which is full of spilt ends and God knows I tried a lot of stuff to try and make it normal
18. I think I’m not that ugly but I’m a far, far and I mean way, way back there far from beautiful
19. I tend to be addicted to something and can’t get enough of it and end up abandoning it later on
20. I love lazing about and doing nothing. Give me TV or a book and even the Internet and I’m almost on cloud 9. Throw bags and bags of junk food in there and I think it’ll help a lot… hehe… I happen to be born in the year of the boar… Go figure…
21. I love Star Trek: The Next Generation and my favorite character is Jean Luc… hehe… Love the shiny bald head :-p …
22.I sometimes get these weird moods where I like doing things that I hate and don’t normally do… I guess it could be considered mood swings…
23. I cannot draw if my life depended on it. And I would like to blame my shyness towards any form of drawing to my teacher who had scar me by saying my drawing was ugly when I had thought it was one of my better drawing and I had actually put my heart into it. Until now I avoid having to draw
24. I love to sing and I sometimes like acting. This is why I use to acts in little plays in school and join the drama and choir club back in high school
25. I went to high school at SM Sultan Abdul Samad
26. I have lived in Egypt where I went to an English school there
27. I have also lived in Turkey and Jordan
28. I have been to Mecca and Madinah and did my Umrah
29. I have a diploma and a degree
30. I went to KDU college
31. I don’t drink… Meaning alcohol… hehe
32. I love fast food and can’t enough of it
33. I hate crowded places
34. I love and I mean LOVE cartoons and animes
35. I hate today’s fashion where women and men are nothing but skin and bones. In my opinion they look sick and even though I strive to be thinner I would never want to be that thin. Ever
36. I love my family and I believe they come first
37. I happen to strongly believe in responsibility and that it is very important that people know their responsibility and follow it
38. I like to make people happy and I love it when they smile or laugh and I knew I had made them happy
39. I totally hate vomiting and try to avoid it at all cost
40. I like helping people but there’s a line to what I would do
41. I love playing games. I mean computer games and not games like sport… I can’t run and I just happen to think I’m not born to be an outdoor person
42. I prefer living in the city with all its facilities than outdoor… Though sometimes I don’t mind walking along beaches or the like…
43. My goal in life is to be happy… I have yet to figure out how to achieve this but it’s something I’m working on
44. I sometimes feel lonely and yearn for company
45. I don’t go out with friends that much. I think life is partly to be blame for this because my parents don’t forbid me going out but somehow it just rarely happens
46. I happen to think I’m a very patience person but I sometimes get irritated easily
47. When I get really angry I cry… I have no idea why and I think it’s a stupid thing because who will take you seriously if tears run down your cheek?
48. I have trouble matching faces with names… I usually remember the name and remember the face but sometimes I forget which names goes with which face
49. I think I don’t fully understand myself
50. I cannot hold a temper and forgets it easily so I don’t hold any grudges
51. I sometimes get this cooking urges where I feel like cooking stuff like baking and such… Like whipping up a big or special meal
52. I love surprising people with nice things
53. I wish I am closer to my friends then I am now
54. I don’t believe in keeping a diary… hehe… A diary and a blog is way different in my book *winks*
55. I love eating chickens
56. I like to watch people around me
57. I happen to think I have really bad luck… I mean with small things… Little stuff…
58. I hate to worry because of the feeling as if something is wedged in my throat really gets to me
59. I swallowed my first pill when I was 17… Before that I couldn’t swallow any pills at all and usually take my medicine in liquid form
60. I can knit and have made a few pieces of clothing
61. I wish to play a musical instrument
62. I don’t smoke and not planning to pick it up
63. I’m a premature baby and my mother was going shopping when she first felt the pain
64. I only went to kindergarten for a few months because of some incident that made me hate it and insist on not going
65. I have written countless stories with no endings and I have been doing it since I was 10 and have yet ended one story
66. I sometimes speak nonsense for a whole day and speak of things that’s can be considered as a waste of time even mentioning
67. I think I have problems with saying no
68. I’m usually very sarcastic but I don’t really mean the bad things that I say
69. I can be considered a pessimist
70. I don’t trust anyone completely. I always believe that there are things that’s just meant to be between you and God
71. I am absolutely scared of crazy people due to being slapped as a child by one
72. I have yet to fall in love and I hope when I do, I won’t be in terrible pain from it
73. I hate racism and discrimination. I think this is not fair at all but I know it happens more often then not
74. I believe that people are responsible for their own actions
75. I don’t do drugs, have never done it and don’t plan on doing it
76. I’m shy and quite with strangers which is a total opposite of who I really am
77. I get very uncomfortable when people look at me for an extended period of time
78. I don’t mind if my name never ends up in newspaper and such just as long as I matter to those who I care about
79. I don’t believe in hurting other people’s feelings. Of course if they had it coming then… Hurt on… hehe…
80. I love being creative but I always hold myself back for reasons I have yet to find out
81. I worry easily when it comes to my family
82. I can’t hold my breath for a long time
83. I have bad handwriting and hate my own handwriting
84. I wish I could at least finish one of my stories
85. I have a hard time keeping myself from reading the ending of the book when I’m reading a novel
86. I usually procrastinate nearly everything and I hate myself for doing this and still trying to change it but it’s very hard for me
87. I hate those people who always think they’re right
88. I hate pretentious people
89. I wish to travel the world with my family
90. I like learning things but I hate having to go to college, school, tuition, etc…
91. I wish I was more handy with my hands and could produce beautiful arts with it
92. I don’t have a driving license
93. I have made my friend cry before
94. I believe in the saying “Stick and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never harm me.” or at least to some extend
95. I hate yucky and dirty things
96. I cannot stand the smell of bad fish and it makes me throw up
97. I cannot see other people vomit because it will make me throw up
98. I am told that I sometimes snore when I’m really tired
99. I’m not good at talking on the phone and I prefer face to face talk. Well at least I think Internet messengers are still ok
100. hmmm… I think I could waste a day just lying about doing nothing… hehe… Actually, I don’t think, I know… :-p
link | Tanteeee posted at 9:02 AM |

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