Sunday, January 07, 2007
Wow. Been awhile since I did this. Oh well, writing to me have always been second nature to me. So this should be like riding a bike.So what do you believe in this life? Me? Well I believe in the firm belief that family should always come first.
I believe I have mentioned this before in one of my entry but I can’t remember it.
Apart from that I have a code or philosophy that I try to follow as best as I could. Somehow I see that it makes sense and a very good thing for a basic guideline. And here they are “Only help those who ask for it”, “Ask only from those who have it” and “Only show tender loving care for those who loves you”.
I think this basic thing could be applied to all. Although some might not agree with them. But hey, do I care?
link | Tanteeee posted at 4:46 AM |

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