Thursday, March 17, 2005
nOt aGaiN....
For the hundredth time today, I was mistaken as my niece’s mother… Now don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and flattered that people would think such a cute little baby is mine but the implication of the whole thing bugs me… I mean I’m not that old!! Heck, I’m only 22… Anyway, it doesn’t end there… The women actually thought that my bro was my husband!!! Not the first time either… The other day someone thought the same thing as well… Weird, weird people… Really, they should get their heads checked!! Then it went on… The women thought I was older than my bro… Again, not the first time… Then again my bro is just two years older and I guess it could be excused… In fact, I recall a teacher thinking that my bro and I were twins… Which should have indicated that I look like my bro so what’s with that husband thingy when I look like my bro!!?? What is worse is the act that some thinks that I’m older than my sis… Now she is a good seven years older than me!!!! So I guess I must look old to be mistaken in such a manner so many times… I recalled times in high school when I said I was I high school and they gave a very surprised reaction… Oh well, I actually got use to the fact that people think I’m older than my bro and I’m beginning to get used to people thinking my niece is mine… I’m not offended by any of the comments… Weird out, yes… And perhaps even curious as to why, but definitely not offended… hehe… Maybe that’s because they just think I’m old, at least they don’t think I’m ugly… Or at least I don’t hope so… I mean I’m not beautiful, cute or anything, but I happen to think that I’m average… hehe… At least I hope I am… I’m raving again… I tend to get carried away most of the time… I have the mug of Nescafe that my bro just made for me coz it’s his turn so I’m gonna sit back and enjoy it… So later bloggie…

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