Monday, January 08, 2007
So how do you put a title to something? Sounds like a very easy thing but if you put a thought or two into it, it’s not that easy. For example, how do you put a title to a train of thoughts? Or a bunch of ramblings? People usually put a title to something base on the most points being repeated or mentioned. But what if there is no point? Like this entry. he he he… So how do I appropriately title this? Hmm… Ramblings. That’s what this is and so that’s what it should be titled. So that aside, I should let my trains of thoughts go down the track of a bunch of useless nothings… he he he…So here I am in front of my pc and looking at the screen and Evanescence is playing in the background. What is my mind thinking of right now? I think this Evanescence chic is a really troubled person… he he he… So why am I listening to her? Well maybe I’m not so right in the head as well…
Boy, starting blogging again isn’t as easy as I thought it would be. Sure you never forget to ride a bike but that doesn’t mean you can just grab a bike and start climbing up a mountain on it. Oh well, maybe I’ll go climb up on one next time.
link | Tanteeee posted at 4:10 PM |

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