Saturday, January 13, 2007
tHiS shOeS ArE MaDe fOr WalKinG...
Walking in other people’s shoes is not easy. That’s what everyone says. But if you look at it literally, it’s true. I mean just imagine walking in a shoe that is twice smaller than your own size. OUCH! But of course the meaning wasn’t meant to be literally. So let’s look at it from a profession wise. Imagine asking a plumber to operate on a dying patient. Of course some shoes are just never meant to be tried on by another. FATAL! But yet again it’s not meant to be looked from that view either.What they do mean is “The grass is always greener on the other side”. I guess it’s true. Tell me the truth; I think there is a part in everyone who wishes that they are someone else. This often happens with people who have low self esteem. Fat people wish that they are thinner. Thin people often wish they could jut let themselves go and enjoy food like fat people. Poor people wish they were rich and rich people wish they can be more relaxed or less stressed or whatever… Bottom line, everyone’s not satisfied with what they have. Who to blame? Is there blame? If there is then I guess the culprit would definitely be Human Nature.
Me? I’m just human. While I don’t wish to be someone else I am far from satisfied with whom I am. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate my life a bit. I guess I just feel I could always change to be better… More talented in stuff or better at some skills.
In the end, I find myself asking, “Am I happy?” Right now, with everything that is happening around me and my life… I can honestly say, YES!
link | Tanteeee posted at 12:26 AM |

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