Tuesday, January 09, 2007
waNt a BoOk...
Stupid satay stick. So I was throwing out the garbage when one of the stick poke out from the bag and me being me, not seeing the thing, I poked myself with it. I guess it wouldn’t hurt so much if it wasn’t for the fact that the stick poked me under my fingernail. Yep, it hurts with a mocking throb. Okay, so the pain is not so much but the mocking does makes it worse. Plus, I don’t even like satay.Enough about that.
People like to say that their life is like an open book. What exactly do they mean by that? That their life is as exciting as a fantasy novel? Or a romantic love story? Or even a funny comic? Or perhaps as exciting or glamorous as a fashion magazine? I for once will never know. If you were to compare my life to any type of book at all I would have to say it wouldn’t be a bestseller. Perhaps it would be one of those books that collect dust at the corner of a library where it has yet to have its first checkout. Talk about putting myself down… he he he… so unlike me. Putting ME back in mode… he he he…
I for one wouldn’t want to be an open book. If you sit to think about it just for a second, I think you wouldn’t want to be one either. Being an open book means someone could just read your life story just like that. Reading all your life experiences. All those things that means the world to you. Being an open book makes you vulnerable. Makes you weak. But I guess if you trust someone enough with your life’s book, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Bottom line, just makes sure you give it to someone who really deserve it, else, come on, it’s a life’s book, it’s probably kilos in weight, so throw it to their faces… he he he… broken nose, migraine, they had it coming… :-p
link | Tanteeee posted at 11:29 PM |

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