Friday, March 18, 2005
mOm diD iT hEr WaY...
My mom has always had a special way of making me do stuff… Believe me, she can make me do anything with her little special way and today she had used one of them… hehe… We recently moved and there were still some unpacked little stuff of mine that was yet to be neatly stored away… My mom has been bugging me to unpack and keep all the things away and the boxes to be put in storage and I have been doing it slowly... hehe… Actually, very slowly… I don’t know… The process of unpacking and figuring out where is the new place to put my stuff is a very boring and tedious process… So today my mom decided she has had enough with me taking my own sweet time in getting settled in… Her method? Simple and yet so effective… She simply sat in my room on the bed… Sounds like nothing right? Where in actual fact the act was a warning… It’s a way of saying, either pack your stuff now or suffer the consequences… To me that is enough and I finally got the boxes open and put away my stuff… I guess it wasn’t that bad all in all…Now the thing that really ticked me off today was the fact that someone robs me of 25% of my money!!! Okay, so it's not really real money… The money I speak of is the one from this virtual pet website that I spend way too much time on… It’s called neopets… Anyway, I was carrying a lot of money since I was trying to buy rare cards that costs a lot but are hard to get a hold off when suddenly there’s this event that says an angry beast took 25% of my money just because he was angry… He’s angry!? Heck, I was pissed off more than he was since it wasn’t easy to get the money… I had to sell a lot of things and played a lot of games to get the amount in which he took… Anyway, bloggie… I’m getting kinda sleepy and tired… Plus if I talk about it more, it would only enrage me further… So that’s it for today…

uPsEt? yOu'VE nEVer sEen mE VeRy upSeT...
link | Tanteeee posted at 8:45 AM |

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