Friday, April 08, 2005
They say the first step to cure an addiction is admitting your addiction… So here goes… I am addicted to addiction… Looks right, looks left, looks back then looks front... hmmm… Nothing… Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath as I enter my inner feelings… Nothing… What a bunch of bull… Anyway, sorry bloggie, I haven’t written to you in a few days… Reason for this is because of my addiction problem… Yep, I actually plugged in my old play station that has been sitting in the box for a year or so, and then I was pulled in… I got unplugged from the net and into the world of Final Fantasy… Haven’t finished playing that… I started like a couple years ago and stop… Now picking up where I left off… So all my time have been given to that… hehe… I guess the problem of addiction got in… When I’m addicted to the Internet I’m on like nearly 24 7 and even when I’m not using it it’s on… hehe… Now that I’m into play station I play it even when I have a minute or two to spare… Trust me, if I don’t have my family around to distract me I would be playing the game 24 7… hehe… My family nearly makes up my whole world… Then there’s coffee… Boy, I use to hate it and now I just can’t stop drinking it… I’m beginning to wish for a magical coffee mug that refills itself automatically each time its finish… hehe… Wistful thinking… Now there’s the TV and I could sit and watch for hours on end… Heck, I use to watch stupid shows just simply to watch TV… hehe… See, it’s not so much as addicted to the thing itself, it’s being addicted is what I’m addicted to… hehe… I know… I’m an idiot… hehe… To tell you the truth bloggie, I’m actually doing this because I’ll be outstation for a couple of days and my guilt about not writing to you caught up with me if I leave you empty for almost a week… Right now, I really want to post this up and go play the game before I have to leave in a few minute… So that’s it… Guilt leave me in peace… See ‘ya in a few days…~~tAntEEee~~
link | Tanteeee posted at 5:10 PM |

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