Friday, March 25, 2005
It’s another day and man I feel beat… Kinda hungry now but in no mood to eat… I just want to sleep… Heck, even my eyes feel tired… My brain is sleeping now so I can’t say anything much today… I’m currently running up on backup energy as well as minimal brain usage… hehe… Perhaps writing to you bloggie boo at night wasn’t such a good idea… hehe… I would either get sleepy or tired… However, I don’t think I could do it in the morning… The fact that the movie showing on TV is about a life of this very miserable man makes me even more tired…In other news, my effort of trying to complete my collectable cards in neopets is going slow since the only cards I don’t have are rare ones and are harder to get a hold of… Lucky I don’t really collect real stuff… I think it would be way harder if the things were real and I have the whole world to look for it… Not to mention I would have to buy the stuff with real money… Boy that would be hard… But, if I ever want to collect real stuff, one that is just offhand… No worries on money and such… I think I would collect precious stones… Why? Easy… Me like shiny things… hehe… hmmm… I’m beginning to write nonsense… Stopping, before this stupid ranting gets any further…
link | Tanteeee posted at 6:57 AM |

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