Thursday, March 31, 2005
a bUnCh oF NuThiNgS...
Ok… For the last few days I have been ignoring you and not given you the attention that I should… Sorry, bloggie boo… It’s just that I’ve been rather busy and tired… I’d tell you all about why and such but it’d be too boring so I’d rather not… hehe… Even right now I’m stealing a few minutes for myself to write this…Talked to my cuz online today… He’s having trouble deciding where to work and I kinda took pity on him… It’s not easy choosing between workplaces that takes you far away from your family… Which is why I thanked God everyday that I am where I am today… hmmm… Life in my world has its ups and down… Whose life doesn’t rite? Hehe… So now I’m in the kinda busy but not really busy stage… Don’t ask me to explain that coz I don’t even fully understand myself… Later then… Buh bye…
link | Tanteeee posted at 5:03 AM |

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