Monday, March 21, 2005
a DaY aT thE sAuNa...
So I went for sauna today and it was later than usual because my bro had something to do… Anyway, as expected there was a little crowd in the sauna… hehe… Thank God though for the fact that water freak was not there… yippee… hehe… Well the other three women from before was there and they asked me something that to me doesn’t make an ounce of sense… They asked me whether I was Malay!? I mean hello… I happen to be pure Malay and I believe I look Malay as well… The thing is that it’s not the first time I was asked that… For as long as I can remember, people often ask me whether I was a mix between Chinese and Indian… However, recently I was asked whether I was Eurasian… And they told me they thought I was one… I mean look at me!!! Whatever… Now to continue… After that, when I was done I went out to take my shower and… I saw a naked woman!!! Sure it’s not something big to see a naked woman since I am girl and all but to me it’s a big deal… I’m a strong believer in public decency and I believe that pass the line for me… We were in the ladies part of the facility so it’s no biggie... I acted as if it was nothing because the last thing I want is to embarrass the lady… But I’m glad by the fact that my vision was blurred due to the lack of glasses which I take off when I go into the sauna… I believe it would have been worse if I could see everything clearly… Oh well, I think my problem lies in the fact that I’m not comfortable with the idea of being naked anywhere except the bathroom while taking a bath… And I’m especially not into the idea of people seeing me naked… So I guess I’m merely being embarrassed for them… hehe… Doesn’t make sense but it somehow does to me… I believe that’s it for tonight… Nite…
link | Tanteeee posted at 7:48 AM |

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