Thursday, March 24, 2005
tOo fuLL...
Okay, so I was so hungry after coming up from sauna… Mom made chicken rice which is one of my many favorite foods. So who is to blame if I started to eat like crazy and proceed to having seconds? Me, of course… hehe…
aLmoSt lOok liKE Me wHeN I'm StUffInG mEseLf...
I finished all that feeling full… Too full… Right now I feel like my tummy is about to explode… hehe… And when you’re full and it just finished raining… You get sleepy, very sleepy… hehe… Anyway, I think I’m beginning to feel nauseous… I’m gonna go lie down… hehe… But you know something… I dun regret it one bit… Not the seconds I had, coz I love it… Even if it means the sauna was wasted… Hey, live life to the fullest rite… hehe…
link | Tanteeee posted at 5:48 AM |

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