Saturday, May 28, 2005
Hey there… I know it’s been awhile since I wrote to you… I’m sorry… Okay, moving on…I just chatted to a good friend of mine that I haven’t chatted with in ages… I found out that she often gets sick where she’s at and that reminded me of my flu and fever that I had caught which I have recovered from just a couple of days ago… I guess it could be considered as rather bad since my eyes got all watery and tears kept running down my cheeks… I couldn’t have looked any different than if I was really crying…Other than that, she had told me that her neopets account got frozen for no reason… I love that site. I even have pets of my own there and I spent a lot of my time on it… I see these virtual pets as my real pets I would hate to suddenly lose them… I think I would like to do some backup just in case something like that were to happen… I don’t know…
In other news… hehe… I want to do something… I haven’t the slightest clue what I want to do and what mischief and mess that my brain would come up with… Why would I want to do anything at all? Well I guess I could say that lately what I do just seems to be routines and obligations… It’s been awhile since I wrote anything at all and it’s been longer since I pick up a novel and read… I guess I feel I need a little of “me” time and do something that I want to do because I want to do it and not because I have to do it or that it’s the right thing to do… Oh well, I’m getting sleepy coz I slept late last night and woke up too early this morning… So I’m gonna catch some zzzz….
link | Tanteeee posted at 9:22 AM |

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