Thursday, June 16, 2005

wHat HaPPenEd tO Me...

Wow… It’s been a long while since I last wrote to you bloggy boo… I think it was a couple of days after I wrote to you that I got really sick again… This time worse than the last one… It simply happened when I got the chills while watching TV and the next day I was having a fever… Then it proceeded into a flu and cough… Boy, I thought I had it bad the last time with my eyes overflowing with tears, this time it happened again and in tenfold… My temp actually went up to 39.6… That was way high… The worse of it all was the fact that I did something I totally hate and can’t remember the last time I did it… Yep, I vomited… Ewwww…. I totally hate doing that… Oh well, that shows just how sick I was… I couldn’t hold it down… I guess you could say I just fully recovered a few days ago… However, my bro and mom caught my bug and I have been very busy taking care of the baby and all other stuff… So I guess I didn’t get any rest at all after being sick because there was no way I could take it easy on anything with my mom and bro being sick… But thank God that my bro have finally recovered a couple of days ago and only my mom is still sick… Even so, she’s only down with mild headache and a slight fever with the occasional sniff… hehe… What a way to describe something, huh!?… hehe… Well I guess that’s it for now… I’ll write more when I can… Though I have to warn you that I won’t be as frequent as last time… Bye for now…


link | Tanteeee posted at 5:10 AM |


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