Monday, January 15, 2007
Time. What a funny thing. Time can move so fast and it can move ever so slowly as well. Time is so relative. When you’re in a tough exam, time seems to move so fast that you find that the time given is so short and it moves like a speeding train. But time moves ever so slowly when you’re waiting for something. A minute seems like an hour. The dreaded time.People say that time is precious, that time is money. If you think about it, I guess it’s true. Just look at those professions that charges by the hour, like doctors, lawyers and all kind of consultants. Now for those people time is money. Literally.
And what about the saying that “Time and tide waits for no man”. So does that mean you always have to rush through life? To always do things quickly? Sounds dangerous if you ask me. But I guess it could also be said that once time passes it will never come again. Now that I can accept. All time ask of us is not to waste it. To appreciate it and use it wisely, not to follow it none stop and rush through things.
I have seen a man rush through life without a pause, always doing something and wasting no time in the process. I have also seen a man who simply sits by the beach and watch the waves with no worry in the world. If you ask me, who between the two is happier? I for once can’t answer it if my life depended on it. I guess it all boils down to choices and preferences. People often make choices base on preferences, not always though and that makes me kind of sad because they end up miserable no matter if they are rushing time or enjoying it.
Even writing this entry, some would say that it’s a total waste of time, others might say it’s worth it because it gives a chance for you to express yourself. For me, I don’t care. It makes me happy and it’s all that matters. It’s MY choice…

LeT's uS aLL WaIt...
link | Tanteeee posted at 6:08 PM |

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