Wednesday, January 17, 2007
lEt's TaLk...
Conversation. What makes a conversation? What makes a conversation worth listening or participating in? Me? In my opinion, if it doesn’t make you sleep, it’s worth listening, if it doesn’t make you want to hit the other guy, then it’s worth participating in. That simple. Then again, I’m not a complicated person, at least I don’t think so, most of the time, I think… he he he… Anyway, back to my point. Which is what actually? I for once honestly don’t know. So why am I writing? Hmmm….So how do we make conversation? For me, it’s easy. Talk about the first thing that pops in my mind. Or at least if the first thing is not totally odd or totally inappropriate. From there, if you have a good partner to talk to, the flow would be natural and the subject endless. Or at least that’s what usually happens to me.
However, if you have a weirdo for a conversation partner, then it’s different. My mind goes blank and that’s when weird things start to play in my mind. But I guess if you look into it, it all boils down to fear for my own safety. That’s one conversation I don’t mind skipping any day. I’d rather be alone than dead… he he he…
Sometimes, what you converse about is not really important at all… What’s important is how it makes you feel. I guess it’s the kind where it doesn’t matter as long as you’re with that person. And sometimes, people don’t converse with words at all, just with their eyes, or body language or touching… okay, one line of thought where I should avoid going down to. Messy area there… Messy and not entirely clean… he he he…
Let’s stick to words shall we? He he he… Now words are really a fun thing. Or at least what you can do with them. Arrange them a certain way and you get a sentence. Now a sentence is another fun thing, usually when used with different intonation and expression, a sentence can have a few meanings. I for once used to love going down the double meaning conversation with my friends. It’s a fun thing, a nice past time…
Okay, maybe by now you’d have figured out that I’m a chatterbox. Have been ever since I could remember. Everybody would say that I’m very noisy. Of course it doesn’t help that I have this “unique” pitch to my voice. Yep, I’m loud alright. And no, not as unique as the “Nanny”, just a little on the loud side. Hey, made me a good soprano… he he he…
Take this little entry for instance, I have no idea what to write in the beginning but the words just comes out just like that. Whether or not it’s good or bad, now that is the question. One that I shall answer with a question of my own, “Who cares?”
link | Tanteeee posted at 11:33 PM |

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