Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I mAdE ThIs...
Accomplishments. Daddy often accuses me of accomplishing nothing in my life. That I have yet to make a mark in this life. Okay, so part of it is true. A big part. It’s just that I have yet to find this drive to do something. Sure I want to accomplish something that I could say “I made this” but the want have yet to attack me with a strong current that makes it impossible for me not to do something.I guess I have yet the motivation. But yeah, I have my wants. I have things I want to do. Some of the things I guess would always remain just wants and some I would like to try at least once in my life. As for the when, where and how, well those have yet to be decided. One of those in the future plan.
And then there’s the things I want to do but I just simply lose the motivation. Why? Well I guess it’s just the things around me that put it down. To accomplish something takes time and effort those are the luxuries I don’t really have right now. In fact I can’t find myself sitting down for more than an hour without being needed elsewhere.
Am I complaining? Heck, no. My life is not perfect but I won’t trade it. There are things in this life that I wouldn’t want to risk losing. The downs aren’t so bad anyway. At times the downs are the ups. Oh well, whatever…
Hey, I made this… he he he…
link | Tanteeee posted at 2:12 AM |

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