Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Limits. Everyone has one for something. When someone reaches their limits that’s when they say, “Enough”. But for some reason most people have problem saying enough when it comes to money, he he he… However, that’s not the point of this entry.I often wonder about that invisible line between okay and not okay. When it comes to judging something, I’m just plain bad. So yeah, it’s scary sometimes.
He he he… Lucky for me I have always found friends that are patient with me. I have to admit I have stepped off the boundary more than a few times. So people say if you know your weakness, overcome it. Well, I’m seriously trying but it’s hard… In the meantime, I always tell people to tell me directly if I step out of line. That way, they don’t get too offended and I know not to repeat my mistake. I find this sometimes helps a lot. Sometimes I am way off that it surprises me when they said that I was on dangerous ground. This helps me keep my dear friends on ok terms with me. I’d certainly hate to lose them just because I’m bad at judging something.
Oh well, I guess I have reach, my limits for this entry… he he he…

i'M cLuELesS...
link | Tanteeee posted at 6:39 PM |

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