Thursday, January 25, 2007
Dreams. Just the words makes you want to lay back, relax and close your eyes. Oh okay, I admit it, I am a little sleepy… he he he…Anyway, dreams to me can be categorize into two groups, one where you sleep and the other where you let your mind wander. I do both. Although the ones I have when I’m asleep usually are less controlled by me but if I dream of something good the feelings seems to be with me the whole day through. As for remembering these dreams… Well usually I remember part of it but sometimes I don’t remember anything at all. People say that dreams are simply your minds way of resting. Then there are those who say that dreams are an indication of something. A sign for “something”. But surely they can’t mean all the dreams are signs? I mean I understand a few being meaningful and have a “sign” quality towards it but most are utter nonsense. Trust me, I know my dreams.
So is there truth to these words? I honestly don’t know. But I do however strongly believe that sometimes when you want something so bad you will see it in your dream. And sometimes when you suppress your feelings it will vent out in your dream as well. So yeah, the mind factor does play strongly in my belief of dreams.
As for the other kind of dream… Well, sometimes I simply let my mind wander. Sometimes it doesn’t even relate to me. Sometimes I simply dream of other people and their lives. Sometimes I dream of a world full of magic or a world full of futuristic technologies… Okay, so I’m a big fan of TV. So no surprise there… he he he… Not to mention my love for reading story books and novels. As for a dream about myself… I rarely do those… Why? I don’t know why. I just don’t. A dream I have for myself is basic really. Maybe that’s why I don’t dream about it as much. My dream is simply to be happy. So I guess it would be dull and boring to dream of that… he he he…
Or maybe those other dreams of other people are just my way of expressing my wants and my dreams… I don’t know for sure but perhaps it’s true. Perhaps deep down I’m just afraid of dreaming the impossible with me as the main character that I hide myself behind all these characters… Okay, enough about that. I hate to dwell on deep thoughts and thinking… he he he… So let’s just leave it at that…
Wait a minute, is that a pillow I see? He he he…

sOfT piLLow...
link | Tanteeee posted at 8:25 PM |

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