Wednesday, January 31, 2007
sTuPiD WoRm...
Have you ever had that nagging feeling that something is wrong? That something is just not right. But the problem is you don’t know what it is. So it starts to nag at you. Starts to eat at you like a worm feasting on a juicy leaf. And still you have no clue what is wrong and how to even begin to fix it.Yeah, I had a few of those… Usually after awhile I finally figured out what was wrong. But there are times that I don’t and the feeling just goes away. Perhaps the problem just solved itself or the worm has already finished the leaf, who’s to really know.
So why am I writing this in my entry? I honestly don’t know. Maybe, just maybe I’m having that nagging feeling… or just maybe I watched too much TV this morning.
Oh well, I’m in no mood to write anyway. Maybe I am nagged… oh well…
link | Tanteeee posted at 4:31 AM |

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