Monday, July 11, 2005

Hey there my little boo… I know I should have written this yesterday but I was so tired… You understand don’t you boo…
Anyway, my little cuz ( I call him little but in truth he is only two years younger than me and he outsize me by height, if not in weight… hahaha :-p ) from Malacca came last week on Tuesday to spend some time with us before he started working. This followed by an invitation from his mom to go on the weekend to their home in Malacca. This invitation has been given to so many times but since my folks are busy we have to regretfully decline it all the time. But its durian season and it’s almost over (my folks love durian… A lot… ). My aunt has lots of fruit trees including durian and has been nagging us to come over to her house to enjoy the fruit as well as many others… She has an orchard which includes one of my favorite fruit, the jackfruit. I simply love those. Anyway, back to my little story… So when my uncle called and my mom told him, my folks decided to go along with my uncle. So off we went on Saturday to Malacca where after arriving, my little cuz went up a coconut tree to pick some young coconut which was a request from my mom. Hehe… He looked like a monkey on the tree. But I have to admit I was a little nervous that he might fall. Sure he has been climbing trees up and down ever since he could walk, but hey, he is use to it, not me… So he plucked the “big old nut” ( hahaha… ) and I was suppose to be under the tree to catch it… As if!!!! I wasn’t going to risk having a coconut hit my head!!! Or having injured my fingers when I catch it all wrong!!! So I stayed a safe distance from the tree and waited until he dropped the coconut on the ground before picking it up. As a result of this, several coconuts got broken on impact and the water was gone… Hahaha… It was funny to say the least… Later on, he went to go get mangosteen… (yep, he climbed up that tree too…) Apparently, with mangosteen you have to make sure the fruit doesn’t hit the ground or it will turn hard and won’t taste as nice… hmmm, I think that’s an interesting fact for you bloggie boo :-p … Then later in the afternoon we went to the orchard to go get some jackfruit… Wow, there are dozens and dozens of them on the tree… Not to make me sound like a total “city girl”, I know how the trees look like and was not that surprise… I was more delighted than surprise, hehehe :-p … But alas, no durian there since it’s almost the end of the season and the fruits don’t fall as much or as often. Then my little cuz took me on his bike for a little ride… ( haha… actually it was a very short trek which was less than three min that took us from his aunt’s place, which was their neighbor and their place… :-p ). FYI, they have lots of chili trees around their house but it wasn’t enough… I actually when to go and pluck those, there were a handful of them, apparently, they weren’t in season… (between you and me, I never knew chilies even had season).
Then I helped made “wajid” which is glutinous rice with “gula melaka” and sugar… I love those too… They are rarely made nowadays… I think it’s only common in weddings now…
On Sunday, my cuz and I went to his aunt’s place to get some durian and buy some chilies. Yesterday’s chilies were just too little… So off to the shop we went and on our way back we stop by my cuz’s aunt house. I thought it was a simple take a plastic bag of durian and go home… Boy, was I wrong. His aunt’s orchard was right behind the house, a little down a slope. So I and my cuz was suppose to go get the durian myself!!! So off I went with my cuz and when I was on top of the slope I look down and it was kinda steep. Plus it rained earlier in the morning and t ground was slippery. I’m clumsy and a clutz and the place were practically shouting “disaster area”!!! But I’m an adventurous girl sometimes and I said what the heck? So what if I fall a little… hehe… (if I fell I would have been quite seriously injured since it was kinda high and not to mention there were durian down there at the end of the slope, but I trusted fate and my cuz to help me out…) So I open my eyes wide and look around for those “thorny little devil fruit” hehehe… We got a whole sack full of them!!! As I was collecting the fruit, I tried not to think of the possibility that one of the fruit were to fall on my head. Hehehe… Around three or four of them fell when we were collecting the fruit, and I consider myself lucky it didn’t chose my head to fall on… So we climb back up the slope and I kept on thinking that I was going to fall with the small pail of durian I carried, into my cuz with his sack full of durian and boy were we going to be in pain. But nothing like that happened. Thank God!!
The thing was we came by a motorbike!! The sack of fruit went up the front of the bike and me behind… (a little note, the sack was very heavy, and my cuz just weight about 45k and me.. ehem, ehem, slighty more… :-p ). So when we took the corner we nearly fell over. Lucky my cuz was quick to respond and so was I. Quickly I place my foot down to take the weight and balanced us back. It was a close call!! Haha… It’s funny in a way… We got home safely with no other mishaps on the way… (remember that’s it’s only a three min ride :-p ).
Wow, I didn’t think this one would be this long… Anyway, I’ll make it short because duty calls… Other stuff I did were, peel? Coconuts for their milk, pick rambutan and took some tumeric tree, which my bro wanted to plant. Ok, that’s it… Really got to go… My little niece is creating havoc and I need to look out for her. See ya, later…
The pic is of me and my so called "little cuz"... hehe... He looks nothing like me... In the background is my uncle...
Sunday, July 03, 2005
My life for the past few days is a bore... Not that I had any big adventures before this anyway... hehe... So I think it can be said everything is normal... Just writing to you my little bloggie boo so you know I'm still alive and well... Other than that I have nothing else to say...