Monday, May 01, 2006


So I just got out of an 8 hour jam. Boy that was tiring. The jam was partly due to the heavy traffic from people coming back to the city after the long weekend. That part was okay, understandable since I too had traveled out of town to visit relatives. The other part was the one that made my blood boil. The other reason is from the fact that there are a lot of irresponsible people who went to the emergency lane and cause havoc when they try to get back in the lane when the road narrows. The sad part is when the ambulance too had trouble moving. I mean the siren was blaring and the poor sick person had their suffering lengthen due to these people. Oh well, enough about that.
So I haven’t written anything in awhile. I’ll simple give the same reason I always give. Time, haven’t got enough of it.
Oh ya, I promise to post some pictures in the next post of me and my little trip and such. Till then, hugs & kisses.

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I'm a normal crazy little twit that loves talking and watching tv shows. I watch cartoons to anime to soaps to reality shows. Love 'em all..

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