Friday, August 25, 2006

AnoTher DaY...

You’d think I’d have a few moments to spare my time writing. Oh well, I do but I don’t. Now whether you understand it or not is entirely up to you my dear Boo… Okay, updates. Why do I even bother saying updates? I for once will never know. What updates are there? Hmmm…. I think that covers that section.

I’m currently trying my hands at Photoshop. Drawing anime. Not much luck there. It seems my ability to draw badly is not only limited to pencil and paper. I dunno. Maybe my art teacher was right all those years ago saying my art sucks. I’ve been discourage ever since that traumatic experience when my lovingly drawn and painted artwork was deemed by the “Bulldog” which was a nickname for my art teacher, and no, not by me but by everyone else in the entire school “Yep, she was that bad and *ehem, ehem* does resemble her looks”, ugly. My art that is, not my teacher per se.

Other than that.. I’ve picked up my writing habit again. Not that I ever drop it off. But I have been writing more. As for an ending to any of my stories is yet to looked into. Maybe it never ends simply because I don’t want it to end. I dunno. Maybe a shrink would know better. Me, I’m only me. Not interested into delving deeper into my subconscious. I’ll leave that to my future husband. Whoever he may be; be warned that it might get dangerous. (Assuming someone is crazy enough to actually marry me.)

Okay, enough for now. I wanna go and improve some more on my not-so-there skills.

P/s. My condolences to my aunty and her family on the passing of her loving mother.

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Location: Malaysia

I'm a normal crazy little twit that loves talking and watching tv shows. I watch cartoons to anime to soaps to reality shows. Love 'em all..

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