Thursday, March 31, 2005
a bUnCh oF NuThiNgS...
Ok… For the last few days I have been ignoring you and not given you the attention that I should… Sorry, bloggie boo… It’s just that I’ve been rather busy and tired… I’d tell you all about why and such but it’d be too boring so I’d rather not… hehe… Even right now I’m stealing a few minutes for myself to write this…Talked to my cuz online today… He’s having trouble deciding where to work and I kinda took pity on him… It’s not easy choosing between workplaces that takes you far away from your family… Which is why I thanked God everyday that I am where I am today… hmmm… Life in my world has its ups and down… Whose life doesn’t rite? Hehe… So now I’m in the kinda busy but not really busy stage… Don’t ask me to explain that coz I don’t even fully understand myself… Later then… Buh bye…
Monday, March 28, 2005
tiRed... aGaiN...
Yeah, I know for the last couple of days I haven't wrote anything... It's simple really... For the last couple of days I have slept at 4.30am and that's why I was so tired and sleepy... The same way I feel right now... So maybe later...
hOw i fEel aNd wHaT I WaNt tO dO...
Friday, March 25, 2005
It’s another day and man I feel beat… Kinda hungry now but in no mood to eat… I just want to sleep… Heck, even my eyes feel tired… My brain is sleeping now so I can’t say anything much today… I’m currently running up on backup energy as well as minimal brain usage… hehe… Perhaps writing to you bloggie boo at night wasn’t such a good idea… hehe… I would either get sleepy or tired… However, I don’t think I could do it in the morning… The fact that the movie showing on TV is about a life of this very miserable man makes me even more tired…In other news, my effort of trying to complete my collectable cards in neopets is going slow since the only cards I don’t have are rare ones and are harder to get a hold of… Lucky I don’t really collect real stuff… I think it would be way harder if the things were real and I have the whole world to look for it… Not to mention I would have to buy the stuff with real money… Boy that would be hard… But, if I ever want to collect real stuff, one that is just offhand… No worries on money and such… I think I would collect precious stones… Why? Easy… Me like shiny things… hehe… hmmm… I’m beginning to write nonsense… Stopping, before this stupid ranting gets any further…
Thursday, March 24, 2005
tOo fuLL...
Okay, so I was so hungry after coming up from sauna… Mom made chicken rice which is one of my many favorite foods. So who is to blame if I started to eat like crazy and proceed to having seconds? Me, of course… hehe…
aLmoSt lOok liKE Me wHeN I'm StUffInG mEseLf...
I finished all that feeling full… Too full… Right now I feel like my tummy is about to explode… hehe… And when you’re full and it just finished raining… You get sleepy, very sleepy… hehe… Anyway, I think I’m beginning to feel nauseous… I’m gonna go lie down… hehe… But you know something… I dun regret it one bit… Not the seconds I had, coz I love it… Even if it means the sauna was wasted… Hey, live life to the fullest rite… hehe…
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Okay, I am so not in the mood to blog… I’m lazy and right now all I feel like doing is lie down and sleep. So why am I here typing out a blog? Easy, guilt. Yep, the big G word… Stupid isn’t it… Oh, well, I’ll make it up in my own way on my own time… A few things happen that would probably end up in the blog if I had a mood to type it out… One would be the experience of changing a car tire… Next, would be the fear that I felt over a stupid little house lizard… I happen to be amazed at what I felt and the things that I discovered from the whole incient… However, not in the mood… Perhaps I would do it in the next blog… hehe… No promise though… EnD…
jUsT oNe oF ThEm dAys, wHeN yoU'Re tirEd inSiDe...
p/s.. The picture is nice and a way of me making up to you bloggie boo.. :p
Monday, March 21, 2005
a DaY aT thE sAuNa...
So I went for sauna today and it was later than usual because my bro had something to do… Anyway, as expected there was a little crowd in the sauna… hehe… Thank God though for the fact that water freak was not there… yippee… hehe… Well the other three women from before was there and they asked me something that to me doesn’t make an ounce of sense… They asked me whether I was Malay!? I mean hello… I happen to be pure Malay and I believe I look Malay as well… The thing is that it’s not the first time I was asked that… For as long as I can remember, people often ask me whether I was a mix between Chinese and Indian… However, recently I was asked whether I was Eurasian… And they told me they thought I was one… I mean look at me!!! Whatever… Now to continue… After that, when I was done I went out to take my shower and… I saw a naked woman!!! Sure it’s not something big to see a naked woman since I am girl and all but to me it’s a big deal… I’m a strong believer in public decency and I believe that pass the line for me… We were in the ladies part of the facility so it’s no biggie... I acted as if it was nothing because the last thing I want is to embarrass the lady… But I’m glad by the fact that my vision was blurred due to the lack of glasses which I take off when I go into the sauna… I believe it would have been worse if I could see everything clearly… Oh well, I think my problem lies in the fact that I’m not comfortable with the idea of being naked anywhere except the bathroom while taking a bath… And I’m especially not into the idea of people seeing me naked… So I guess I’m merely being embarrassed for them… hehe… Doesn’t make sense but it somehow does to me… I believe that’s it for tonight… Nite…Sunday, March 20, 2005
i hAvE nUthiNg tO sAY...
Well, bloggie… In all honesty I have nothing to say… Now that’s a first isn’t it… hehe… The truth is that I’m just in one of those moods where I have no mood to do anything… Oh, and sorry I miss out yesterday… I was kinda tired so I skipped my daily writing… Well, I guess that’s it… Maybe I’ll be back in the mood tomorrow...Friday, March 18, 2005
mOm diD iT hEr WaY...
My mom has always had a special way of making me do stuff… Believe me, she can make me do anything with her little special way and today she had used one of them… hehe… We recently moved and there were still some unpacked little stuff of mine that was yet to be neatly stored away… My mom has been bugging me to unpack and keep all the things away and the boxes to be put in storage and I have been doing it slowly... hehe… Actually, very slowly… I don’t know… The process of unpacking and figuring out where is the new place to put my stuff is a very boring and tedious process… So today my mom decided she has had enough with me taking my own sweet time in getting settled in… Her method? Simple and yet so effective… She simply sat in my room on the bed… Sounds like nothing right? Where in actual fact the act was a warning… It’s a way of saying, either pack your stuff now or suffer the consequences… To me that is enough and I finally got the boxes open and put away my stuff… I guess it wasn’t that bad all in all…Now the thing that really ticked me off today was the fact that someone robs me of 25% of my money!!! Okay, so it's not really real money… The money I speak of is the one from this virtual pet website that I spend way too much time on… It’s called neopets… Anyway, I was carrying a lot of money since I was trying to buy rare cards that costs a lot but are hard to get a hold off when suddenly there’s this event that says an angry beast took 25% of my money just because he was angry… He’s angry!? Heck, I was pissed off more than he was since it wasn’t easy to get the money… I had to sell a lot of things and played a lot of games to get the amount in which he took… Anyway, bloggie… I’m getting kinda sleepy and tired… Plus if I talk about it more, it would only enrage me further… So that’s it for today…

uPsEt? yOu'VE nEVer sEen mE VeRy upSeT...
Thursday, March 17, 2005
nOt aGaiN....
For the hundredth time today, I was mistaken as my niece’s mother… Now don’t get me wrong, I’m happy and flattered that people would think such a cute little baby is mine but the implication of the whole thing bugs me… I mean I’m not that old!! Heck, I’m only 22… Anyway, it doesn’t end there… The women actually thought that my bro was my husband!!! Not the first time either… The other day someone thought the same thing as well… Weird, weird people… Really, they should get their heads checked!! Then it went on… The women thought I was older than my bro… Again, not the first time… Then again my bro is just two years older and I guess it could be excused… In fact, I recall a teacher thinking that my bro and I were twins… Which should have indicated that I look like my bro so what’s with that husband thingy when I look like my bro!!?? What is worse is the act that some thinks that I’m older than my sis… Now she is a good seven years older than me!!!! So I guess I must look old to be mistaken in such a manner so many times… I recalled times in high school when I said I was I high school and they gave a very surprised reaction… Oh well, I actually got use to the fact that people think I’m older than my bro and I’m beginning to get used to people thinking my niece is mine… I’m not offended by any of the comments… Weird out, yes… And perhaps even curious as to why, but definitely not offended… hehe… Maybe that’s because they just think I’m old, at least they don’t think I’m ugly… Or at least I don’t hope so… I mean I’m not beautiful, cute or anything, but I happen to think that I’m average… hehe… At least I hope I am… I’m raving again… I tend to get carried away most of the time… I have the mug of Nescafe that my bro just made for me coz it’s his turn so I’m gonna sit back and enjoy it… So later bloggie…
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
wAteR frEaK!!!
Hey ya… Anyway, I’m sleepy right now so forgive me if I start talking rubbish… hehe… So today I went to my regular sauna and since today I went a little later then my usual time, I find myself not alone in it… Really, I happen to like being in sauna alone… Reason for this is really simple… I find being in a small hot room with someone in silence is really disturbing and makes me uncomfortable… I mean I keep on feeling as if I need to say something… Back to what happen today… So I went in and there was four other women in it and was chatting away. I assume they are regulars and knew each other… After about a few minutes the other three ladies went out… Then that was when the one woman that was left started her obsession with water… hehe… Let’s just call her the “water freak” I mean the sauna was not that hot, for me it was nice but she said it was not hot and poured half a pail of water onto the rocks and that raised the temperature a lot… I mean I find myself hard to breathe because of the increase of temperature so abruptly… But all in all it was still okay if I just covered my nose until the temperature drops a little… However, water freak was having none of that… After complaining that it was still not hot she poured the rest of the water in the pail!!! I mean that woman must have had her senses gone bonkers… But no, as if that wasn’t enough she went out to get another one and poured the rest of the second pail in!!! But luck was on my side today because the sauna had apparently gone off automatically and so the water did not do that much damaged. So after awhile she said it was no use since it wasn’t that hot and for the rest of us to enjoy ourselves… So the other women that went out earlier came back in and asked the sauna to be turned back on… As I heard the water that was poured by water freak earlier starting to hiss I said I have had enough… So I excused myself and went out… Thanks to that water freak lady, I didn’t enjoy my sauna experience today and because of the rapid increase in temperature I think, I felt a little faint after…I never had that before… So the lesson I learned today is never go sauna with the water freak… hehe… For making such an impact on my day today, I dedicate today’s blog to water freak… A person who probably think that sauna should be equally hot as hell… hehe…
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
oUcHhhh..... tHat hUrts....
I happen to be one careless person and the one that always pays for it is my poor body. Yep, I bang into things all the time. Doors, walls, chairs, tables and many more. In fact there are times I get little cuts and bruises that I don’t even remember when I got it and how. In fact for the past two days my knee kept on hitting the table and it hurts… Hehe… which is what contributes to today’s title… I mean the first time was ok but the one after that, now that one hurts more since it’s hitting an already sore knee… hmmm…Come to think of it, I don’t think a day goes by without me hurting myself. I mean it doesn’t have to be major pain but it happens… Plus I have my head up in clouds almost always and this makes me miss seeing the stuff that’s on the floor or the chair and stuff like that. Hehe… So really, the person to blame for any pain is me…
Enough about that… Well I was watching this new show that replaces the show that ended last week… The show was about some sort of an experiment where they have this bunch of guys and break them into two groups. One group is given positive motivation and has this friendship spirit stuff going on while the other is given a military style of training. The goal in the end is to see which method of training is better… I mean the positive motivation group, which is called The Carrots are like all into playing stuff like drumming and other stuff like that while the other is forced to do push ups and are called names and such. The motivation that drives this group is that if you win you don’t get punishments. Now, to the point of me ranting on and on for the past few lines. Hehe… In my opinion is that you can’t compare the two methods. I mean in military style method you get a team that is probably stronger in physical terms and probably they’ll develop this personality that is base strongly on rules and discipline, in other words, black is black, no questions asked. Now you need these kinds of people to do the job where emotion will stand in the way of getting the job done… While the other method would probably yield people who speak their mind and maybe they’ll develop this relationship where their philosophy is, you jump, I jump… Now all that is nice and all but when it comes to things that need physical strength, now all that is pretty much useless… But then again, the second method builds up personality that is needed and is lacking in our society… I can go on with this forever so I think I better stop… So, in conclusion is that no method is right for everything. In choosing a method a question that should always be asked is, what kind of results do you desire…? With these words I end today’s blog… nite y’all…
Monday, March 14, 2005
So I was playing scrabble with my sis today and as expected, I lost. Hehe… When have I ever win in a game of scrabble? Spelling with me has always been hard. Hehe… I still recall those time in primary school where I got my hand hit because I misspelled the words in the spelling quiz. Each time there was a spelling quiz I would go home with swollen hands because all my spelling were wrong and I was hit for every one of them. I dunno, I’m still bad at spelling but I only have trouble with hard words now… Of course it’s only in spelling that the words seems to fail me coz everyone who knows me knows that there is no shutting me up. I’m like a chatterbox that does not stop. I for once am never speechless. I love to be heard and I like listening as well, or at least listening to stuff I want to hear. Hehe…
Anyway, I’m chatting with my friend and she asked me when was the last time I went out with my friends and I realized that the last time I went out was with her and it was about a few months ago! But then again it’s not that big of a surprise since I dun like going out that much anyway. I guess I like staying at home and watch a good show. It is better than having all the fuss of getting dressed, going into the car and getting stuck in some jam in the hot weather and getting a headache from the bright sun and bla, bla, bla… But don’t get me wrong coz I enjoy being with friends and sometimes I don’t mind enduring all of the above when I have the time. It just seems that lately there doesn’t seem to have a convenient time to do that. Plus some of my friends are abroad and the ones that are here are busy when I’m free and vice versa… Well enough said for today… Hehe… I think I’m gonna bug my bro for my cup of java… It’s his turn today… So, see ya…
Sunday, March 13, 2005
LeFt beHinD...
I was left high and dry today when my parents and bro went to
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Yep, it was that bad… I’ve just finished playing monopoly where I had gone bankrupt. Big time... Then again how could I not since each round I find myself landing on my bro’s hotel or my sis’s houses. Yep. Each time I just had to land at their lot. Just imagined landing on a hotel and houses at each round. Each time nothing less than 350, then again I was able to go about it for about four rounds so I guess it wasn’t that bad coz each turn was about a thousand and three times is about three thousand. Hehe… that’s just my lame excuse for losing so bad… Hmmm… Other than that, my day is normal. Went to the supermarket to buy the groceries and that’s about it. Oh well, it’s late and I need to go to bed. Maybe tomorrow would be a more eventful day. ‘till then, toodle-loo, bloggie boo.. hehe…
Friday, March 11, 2005
dAy oF diRt...
I’m so tired… I spend nearly the whole day in dirt. Well after leaving the plants here for so long most of them have died and the dirt have harden to an impossible hardness that equals that of a rock. I don’t really like gardening coz I happen to lack the green thumb. In fact I happen to think I have the brown thumb. hehe… Meaning that I’m certain every plant I touch will turn brown, and we know what brown means when it comes to plants, its death…yep, I have the cursed brown thumb, hehe… Anyway, since the dirt is so hard and can be considered as old and nutrient-less, there’s no choice but to throw them away. So off I went in search of plastic bags so that I could put the dirt in them so that I could throw it but alas, no bags. So in the end I put them in boxes coz the dirt needs to be thrown out but the flower pots is to be salvaged. Hehe… Just imagine I needed to get the rock hard dirt from the flower pots into the boxes and the only gardening tool I had was a spoon. A lousy spoon. Pain, pain, pain… My long nails ruined. Hehe… Now you and I both know that I dun keep my nails long and the only reason it was long was because I keep on forgetting to get them clipped. So no biggy there… hehe… So there I was, trying with all my efforts to loosen the dirt so that I could pour it out into the boxes and developing calluses to my already rough hands. Lucky, after about an hour of the spoon torture my dad handed me a screwdriver. Boy that was a godsend. Really, the thing just when thru the dirt so easily, breaking its hardness and loosening it easily. Sure as hell beat the spoon by a million times. So why bloggie are you asking me is the topic of dirt have won and taken its place here? Well the answer is very easy. This is a bunch of my rants so shut up… hehe… Of course the fact that a thought occurred to me as I was driving the screwdriver into the hard dirt with a vengeance. In my mind it must be almost the same as a person driving a knife into someone. Sure the dirt has harden but the screwdriver so easily cut thru it. Surely the same must happen with a person’s body. And since I was driving it again and again into the dirt, I must look like a mad woman stabbing a man in rage. Now that is a frightening thought. But there is something good out of my long ranting, I think that if ever a person feels like driving a knife into someone, my advice is, grab a screwdriver and a flower pot with harden dirt and go crazy. It’s a sure tension reliever believe me. So I guess that’s about it today. Will write again tomorrow if nothing forbids…
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Well, I would say today is the day of meeting… I have seen or got in contact with people that I haven’t talked to or meet in ages. Today started early with me meeting or should I say virtually meet with one of my best friends in college. It was about at
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Me first bloggy...!!!
Well, I dun really know what I'm doing and not even sure what I'm gonna do with this.. But what the heck.. You are now my official space where I put up my little crazy ideas and thoughts.. So my little bloggy, expect yourself to be filled with nonsense of the weirdest, stupidest and bla, bla.... kinda sort.. hehehe.. Fasten your seatbelt my friend, we are going for one heck of a ride.. wheeeeee...